If you are the kind of person who likes to ride a motorcycle then you probably think the government are spoiling your enjoyment because of the rules that you must wear a helmet at all times. Surely this decision should be left up to you but there is a method in the madness and it is because your brain is the single most important thing within your body. If it isn’t functioning then nothing else is either and so you have to take every opportunity that you can to protect it. Without your brain, your body would be unable to function and you would just be a person lying there with the inability to move.
This is why it is so incredibly important that you don’t find yourself in a situation where you’re going to need some kind of neurosurgery to address the problem that you pretty much brought on by yourself. You can get help here at https://en.nakornthon.com/center/detail/neurology-center if you are unfortunate enough to need any assistance when it comes to brain injury. It is also incredibly important that you eat the right kind of food that is commonly referred to as ‘brain food.’ The following are just some examples of what you should be putting into your body to help your brain.
– Lots of oily fish – It is part of the most countries government advice that you try to consume fish at least once a week and more if possible. The reason for this advice is that fish is incredibly good for you and it contains important healthy fats like omega-3 essential for proper brain function. The fish that you should be looking out for are tuna, mackerel and trout and these should be prepared in the proper way and not deep fat fried like much food is nowadays. It is important to remember that your brain consists of these important fatty acids and so you need to be taking steps to protect yourself from diseases like Alzheimer’s when you get older.
– Lots of fresh vegetables – Your parents have been telling you from a young age to eat your vegetables and yet you fought them at every stage. Vegetables are incredibly nutritious and they contain essential vitamins that your body needs to work properly. They also contain crucial antioxidants that help to rid your body of the many contaminants that it experiences every single day when you eat. Vitamin K is especially good for your memory function and as we get older, it becomes even more important.
These are two kinds of food that you should try to be adding to your daily menu and there are many more. It just takes some small changes in your lifestyle to make much bigger changes in your health.